Non toxic homemade playdough

Rainy day activity you’re gonna wanna do even on sunny days. This was so fun! With all the crazy weather everyone’s been having, indoor play time is necessary right now!

R A I N B O W 🌈 P L A Y D O U G H —

All the ingredients are edible and items you probably already have on hand! Even better that the dough is non-toxic and safe! (Did you know that store bought play-doh contains boric acid which is often used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, neutron absorber, or precursor to other chemical compounds?!?). This was super fast, simple and you probably have all the ingredients on hand already!

T I M E —

5 minutes

I N G R E D I E N T S —

1 cup flour

1 cup water

1/2 cup salt

2 tsp cream of tartar

1 tbsp coconut oil

food coloring (optional)

essential oils of choice

D I R E C T I O N S —

1. Mix all ingredients except for food coloring & oils in a sauce pan over low/ medium heat

2. When the mixture starts to form around the spoon, add in food coloring & oil of choice

3. Once it has thickened to play dough consistency, let cool on parchment paper

P R O T I P: Use a calming oil like lavender, peace & calming, or white Angelica as it can actually help relax your child while playing!

💗pink- grapefruit

🧡orange- orange or tangerine

💛yellow- lemon

💚green- lime or stress away

💙blue- peace & calming or white Angelica

💜purple- lavender or valor
